To achieve realistic and consistent results in all types of scenes and situations, all the plants in this pack have been scanned from real models, meeting the following criteria.

Scanned 4k Textures and PBR Materials

Both the stems and leaves have been textured using scanned material from real plants, meeting the following characteristics:

  • Albedo maps scanned with Cross Polarization to avoid specular reflections
  • High precision normal maps obtained using Photometric Stereo
  • Front and Rear Maps
  • Calibrated translucency maps

Realistic 3D Models

We have carefully studied the natural anatomy of the species to create credible 3D models in full detail of different sizes and developments. For modeling we have combined procedural modeling techniques with GrowFX with a lot of manual modeling to make the plants look their best.


When creating the 3D models of our planters, we have resorted to scanning techniques using Photogrammetry and manual modeling to achieve very realistic planters.

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