Polished concrete material in Vray

11 September ,2020 / Materials
We have already learned how to create basic and advanced materials with the different tutorials on the channel. In the next tutorials, we will begin to see conflicting situations or those that are outside the normal work dynamic when creating materials. When working with PBR materials, it is important to understand the limitations of the software when imitating reality, since we often need special techniques to simulate certain very porous materials or those with very small surface imperfections.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a polished cement material that is a good example to continue learning materials in Vray.


Creating polished concrete materials with 3D Studio MAX and V-Ray

  • Problem Statement
  • Using Albedo Table as a Reference
  • Basic Properties of Our Cement Material
  • Using Textures to Add Complexity in Reflect and Glossiness
  • Falloff as a Replacement for IOR
  • Adding Detail with Dirt Masks

*This tutorial has been recorded in Spanish. You can add subtitles using the YouTube player tools.


Reference Albedo Table:


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