Dirt tileables textures in high resolution 4K and 8K

When creating materials for our 3D models, one of the most valuable resources are dirt masks that allow us to add randomness and variation to achieve more realistic materials, but it is difficult to find high resolution textures where smaller features such as cracks And scratches keep all their detail. In this pack you will find more than 100 seamless textures (with more than 200 variations) of 4K and 8K divided into categories ready to use in creating materials with any rendering engine.

Dirt Masks

With this type of masks you can add variation or randomness to all types of materials, from changes in the diffuse to mix several colors or add dirt to variations in glossiness or reflect to produce more interesting specular, this type of maps are the cornerstone of The creation of any material.

Smudges and fingerprints

This type of textures are ideal if we want to add small variations in the reflections of our glass or metallic materials, helping us to create the illusion that someone has used these objects. One of the keys to success when using this type of maps is the subtlety, too marked effects can go wrong and worsen our images, but used in their proper measure, are excellent for increasing the realism of our materials.

Cracks and scratches 

Thanks to the high resolution of these scratch maps you can include details in your materials that would otherwise be very difficult to achieve, such as small imperfections on the surface of the varnishes, paint chips on the most complex metallic or specular surfaces.

Dust and impurities 

Dust is often responsible for the visual appearance of lots of materials, with these textures you can simulate its effect on all types of surfaces. Thanks to the high resolution of the textures the tiny details of the dust are perfectly preserved in these masks.

Utility masks

This type of masks or «alphas» are very useful to simulate effects such as water puddles, roughness, high frequency reliefs, etc. They can also be helpful when mixing several maps or materials or when distributing items with some software «scatter»

Extra Textures

In this category you will find textures that are not directly dirt masks, but I think is important to include them in this pack as 8K masks to simulate «Flakes» in car paint, in the snow, normal maps for carbon fiber, and others.

Images where this textures have been used

100% Seamless

All the textures are 100% seamless or borderless, which allows us to repeat our masks without danger of seams or edges marked in our material . This way we can focus on the creative part of making our materials.

High resolution Textures 

When we have detailled textures  such as scratches or small marks on the surface of a material, it’s essential to have high resolution images. This has been one of the great challenges of this first  textures pack,  where we have decided to resort to4k And 8K maps  (depending on the details) to ensure that all details are present in our textures and we can use them successfully in our materials.


Create your own mask combination 

Since all textures are 100% seamless, you can easily  combine them to get even more variations, blend blurs with spots, adds or subtracts several textures with different blending modes in Photoshop, the possibilities are huge.

To ensure the satisfaction of users, all our products have a 15 day money back guarantee. if during this period you are not satisfied with the purchase, contact us at soporte@3dcollective.es and we will refund your money.


Enjoy this pack at a very special price 

Standar price

80€ + IVA
  • Over 200 textures
  • 4K and 8K de resolution

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