A fast and easy way to add a cinematic look to your renders

If you want to obtain photorealistic images, rich in contrast or with a more cinematic color correction, when working with Linear WorkFlow (LWF), it becomes essential to use post-production tools such as Photoshop, Nuke or After Effects.
This pack of free LUTs is designed for linear render engines like Vray, Corona Render, Octane render, FStorm Render, etc. It will allow you to obtain a more photorealistic look directly in the Virtual Frame Buffer of your engine without having to open your post-production software, this will allow you to work much faster and will also give you a preview of how will  it look after post-production, something very useful during the Look-Dev process. You can also use them in post-production to replicate the behavior of several photography films.
This pack has been included in the 1.5 version of Corona Render, as part of the render engine, and it has been very popular in the community.



LUTs included in this free pack 

Advantix 100
Advantix 200
Advantix 400
AgfaColor Futura 100
AgfaColor Futura 200
AgfaColor Futura 400
AgfaColor Futura II 100
AgfaColor Futura II 200
AgfaColor Futura II 400
AgfaColor HDC 100+
AgfaColor HDC 200+
AgfaColor HDC 400+
AgfaColor Optima II 100
AgfaColor Optima II 200
AgfaColor Ultra 050
AgfaColor Vista 100

AgfaColor Vista 200
AgfaColor Vista 400
AgfaColor Vista 800
Canon DSC S315 n1
Canon DSC S315 n2
Canon DSC S315 n3
Canon DSC S315 n5
Canon DSC S315 n6
Ektachrome 64
Ektachrome 64t
Ektachrome 100
Ektachrome 100+
Ektachrome 320t
Ektachrome 400x
Ektachrome e100s


Gold 100
Gold 200
Kodachrome 25
Kodachrome 64
Kodachrome 200
MAX Zoom 800
Portra 100t
Portra 160n
Portra 160v
Portra 400n
Portra 400v
Portra 800




The normal and desired result when rendering linearly with PBR materials is similar to what you can see below, an EXR file with a huge dynamic range, but with little contrast and saturation:

When applying a LUT, either in the VFB or in post production we can obtain the following results:


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